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Don't Force, Surrender

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Let’s start with a question. Have you ever experienced that when you don’t force things or care deeply about them, things automatically happen for you, and you are left feeling shocked? Well, I don’t know about you but my friends and I experience it quite frequently and then we wonder why this happens. Why, when we care about something and want it to happen desperately, it never does? Being Indians we conclude that it’s probably because of “hamari hi nazar lag gyi hogi” because it is so easy to blame everything on nazar.

But, even after agreeing that "Nazar is real” I always wondered if this is the real reason. Until, one day I read a book on Universe and how it listens to everything we say, if we say it correctly. I came across a line that said, "If we run after something, it runs further away from us,” and I was left wondering how that is possible, and if it’s true then how to achieve what I want to? Fortunately, as the book ended, I got all the answers, and don’t worry, I do not plan to keep it a secret.

Turns out that when we feel desperate and cling too tightly to what we want, it shows that we are resistant and overly attached to the universe. However, if we let go of control and surrender to the flow, we create space for the universe to lead us toward bringing our most heartfelt desires into reality. All you must do is trust the process and trust that whatever is happening is happening for your highest good. You might not understand now why something has happened to you, or the purpose of certain experiences. However, believe me, one day it will all make sense. You may not be walking on the path you made yourself. However, sometimes God creates a path for us that can lead us to something even better than what we imagined for ourselves. So if you're ever feeling lost on your path, just remember: God may be using a GPS with a few more detours than you expected!

In the fast-paced world, we live in, it is easy to fall into the trap of controlling every aspect of our lives. We strive, push, and force things to happen according to our desires. But what if I told you there is another way, a path less traveled? Surrendering, instead of forcing, can unlock peace and open doors to unimaginable possibilities. Our thoughts and emotions influence the reality we experience. The law of vibration states that the energy we emit through our thoughts and feelings shapes our experiences. When we feel desperate and needy, we send signals to the universe that reflect lack. The universe picks up on these signals and interferes with our desires' manifestation. However, we can consciously change our energetic vibration through surrender. Surrender means letting go of our tight grip on how and when our desires should unfold. It is about trusting that the universe knows the right way for our desires to come to fruition. Surrender does not mean being passive or inactive, but rather entering a state of ease and flow where we allow the universe to guide us. So basically, just relax and let the universe take the wheel - it's probably a better driver than you anyway. This doesn't mean we should sit back and do nothing. We still need to put in the effort and take action, but instead of stressing and pushing, we should stay focused and open to the possibilities of the universe. Doing so allows us to be in alignment with our goals and dreams, leading us to manifest our desires with ease.

When we surrender, we let go of controlling every aspect of our lives. We realize that the universe has a bigger picture and infinite wisdom. By surrendering, we create room for unexpected opportunities, meaningful coincidences, and guidance from something greater than ourselves. We see that the universe is like a partner, working alongside us to make our desires a reality. This is most harmoniously and harmoniously possible. Surrendering also means trusting that things will happen at the right time, guided by a divine plan. We understand that there is wisdom in the way events unfold. Sometimes we need to learn and prepare before our desires fully come true. Trusting in the universe's timing allows us to be patient and open to the journey, knowing that we will reach our desired destination when the time is right. This is how we can grow and evolve on our path. We can use the time to focus on our inner work and manifest our intentions with clarity. It is also important to remember to stay in the present moment and appreciate the beauty of life in its current form. After all, there's no use rushing to the future if you can't enjoy the journey that leads you there. Am I right or am I right?

To get what you deserve, upskill yourself and become the person who deserves that. That is the secret to achieving what you desire. For example, if you want a job, act like you already have one. This means getting up early, working on a project, and upskilling yourself for the role. This way, you will communicate to the universe that you want a job, and that you are committed to working towards it. Surrender yourself to the Universe, and let it do its own thing, let the magic happen.

Surrender to what is. Let go of what was. Have faith in what will be

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